Review on

hello, this time I would like to post one of my review about movie this review is part of the assignment of my class in CMU, which is 45-805 Entrepreneurship for High Growth Companies Lessons Learned We watched the documentary in class. To help me get to know you better, I would…

Kesan Pertama

Hello! Tanpa terasa sudah sebulan saya menjalani kehidupan di negeri paman sam ini sebagai mahasiswa. Memang belum banyak hal yang saya alami, dan tentunya masih banyak lagi yang akan dipelajari, tapi saya ingin share sedikit mengenai hal yang paling membuat saya berkesan sejauh ini. Alhamdulillah teman-teman saya cukup membaur satu sama lain, meskipun secara kasat…

Connecting the Dots

The title is taken from the famous Steve Jobs’s quotes during his commencement speech of Stanford in 2005.   During his speech, he said that: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them, looking backwards. You have to trust in something. Your gut, destiny, life, karma or whatever. Because believing the…

So iPad Mini is Out..

It has been less than a week since Apple announced the new iPad Mini. Overall, The design of the new iPad is electrifying although it is not a novel idea. The piquant design of the thickness and its size which is built by meticulous engineers aggrandized Apple once more to be the most beautiful device-designer…

Confidence or Hard Work?

Some people argue that confidence and optimism are critical to achieving a dream, while others believe that selfless hard work is the only way to reach a goal. Rather than relying solely on self assurance and positive outlook, sustained levels of effort and industry must be remained in order to reach a goal. While some…

One Last Class

It has already been 20 hours of my GRE class. Due to my next-studies requirement, I took a GRE class in Kaplan in Jakarta. From what I’ve learned, GRE is really difficult in their Vocab! for the Math though, High School’s math in Indonesia is much more difficult. Surely i’m not kidding you. the most…

Interesting Google Job Interview

I have just read an interesting book by William Poundstone, he said something like this about one of Google job interview: You are shrunk to height of nickel & thrown into a blender. your mass is reduced so that your density is the same as usual.The blades start moving in 60 secs.What do you do?…

The New iPad

Just want to write a simple review about ipad 3, (hey I haven’t even touched it!) It is just simply amazing that the ipad 3 uses quadcore graphics and dual core for general processing. The most amazing new thing on the new ipad is nothing else than the Retina Display. It is even higher resolution…

The Most Difficult Task

After all of these years, I have realized what the most difficult task is. It is referred to one of the great quotes : if you would like to be an expert, try to practice 10000 hours. It works. Yup. That’s it. Everyone can be an expert if they would like, and willing to work…